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Local history
regional history
Voices from the Explosion:...
£10.00Voices from the Explosion specifications:
- Paperback
- 245mm x 175mm
- 160pp
- ISBN 9781527229693
- Readership, general
Ups And Downs: The Inside...
£19.99Ups and Downs specifications:
- Paperback
- 141mm x 205mm
- 372pp
- ISBN 9780648728306
- Readership, general
regional history
The Town That Vanished: The...
£11.99The Town That Vanished specifications:
- Paperback
- 198mm x 126mm
- 270pp
- ISBN 9781999688301
- Readership, general
regional history
The Shuttered Arcade
£9.99The Shuttered Arcade specifications:
- Paperback
- 234mm x 156mm
- 302pp
- ISBN 9780861490233
- Readership, general
regional history
The Hidden Chapter: An...
£25.00The Hidden Chapter specifications:
- Paperback
- 202mm x 136mm
- 288pp
- ISBN 9780956639400
- Readership, general
Fire! Fire! The Theatre’s...
£11.15Fire! Fire! Fire! specifications:
- Paperback
- 234mm x 156mm
- 295pp
- ISBN 9781739890803
- Readership, general
Farming Parson Farming Son:...
£14.50Farming Parson Farming Son specifications:
- Paperback
- 155mm x 234mm
- 306pp
- ISBN 9781998993406
- Readership, general
Making Up the Numbers: The...
£7.99Making up the Numbers specifications:
- Paperback
- 154mm x 234mm
- 140pp
- ISBN 9780956744425
- Readership, general
regional history
Managing Visitor Safety in...
£12.00Managing Visitor Safety in the Countryside specifications:
- Paperback
- 210mm x 297mm
- 89pp
- ISBN 9780956984401
- Readership, general
regional history
Managing Visitor Safety in...
£12.00Managing Visitor Safety in the Historic Built environment specifications:
- Paperback
- 210mm x 297mm
- 96pp
- ISBN 9780956984418
- Readership, general
regional history
Old Derbyshire and New...
£15.00Old Derbyshire and New Worlds specifications:
- Hardback
- 253mm x 196mm
- 320pp
- ISBN 9781399917513
- Readership, general
science and technology
It Wasn't Rocket Science: A...
£9.99It Wasn' Rocket Science specifications:
- Paperback
- 198mm x 126mm
- 320pp
- ISBN 9781739081904
- Readership, general
Leeds Who?: The Story of a...
£7.99Leeds Who specifications:
- paperback
- 155mm x 234mm
- 100pp
- ISBN 9780956744401
- Readership, general
Let Them Play by All Means:...
£7.99Let Them Play by All Means specifications:
- paperback
- 155mm x 234mm
- 116pp
- ISBN 9780956744418
- Readership, general
regional history
Longford: A Village in Limbo
£11.99Longford specifications:
- paperback
- 155mm x 234mm
- 292pp
- ISBN 9781739082208
- Readership, general
Darling Girl: Letters from...
£7.00Darling Girl specifications:
- Paperback
- 209mm x 145mm
- 200pp
- ISBN 9780953162703
- Readership, general
regional history
Ogleforth: Annals of a...
£25.00Ogleforth specifications:
- Paperback
- xxxmm x xxxmm
- 330pp
- ISBN 9781526209757
- Readership, general
regional history
Lead Mining Land the...
£16.99Lead Mining Land specifications:
- Paperback
- 210mm x 210mm
- 168pp
- ISBN 9781399952767
- Readership, general
regional history
Baldersby Park: The History...
£35.00Baldersby Park specifications:
- Hardback
- 218mm x 277mm
- 168pp
- ISBN 9781399977265
- Readership, general
regional history
Four Faces: The Batman...
£9.95Four Faces specifications:
- Hardback
- 201mm x 132mm
- 186pp
- ISBN 9780992875503
- Readership, general