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This book celebrates the lives of friends, all much missed, to whom the writer has an enduring sense of debt. Some made notable contributions in their chosen spheres: George Finch as mountaineer and scientist; James Byam Shaw, Sir Brinsley Ford, David Carritt, Sir John Pope-Hennessy and Benedict Nicholson as connoisseurs and art historians; Uguccione Ranieri and Sir Steven Runciman as historians; Penelope Betjeman as a travel writer; Derek Hill as a painter; Contessa Marina Lulung-Buschetti and her sister, Contessa Anna Maria Cicogna, Gervase Jackson-Stops, M and Mme Emmanuel de Margerie and the 6th Marquess of Bute to the preservation and restoration of buildings; while Mrs Vincent Astor and Drue Heinz were outstandingly generous and perceptive supporters of numerous civilized and civilizing causes. The lives of some, notably Richard Cecil, were tragically cut short; others like Sir David Scott, Lady Bonham-Carter and the Duke of Portland survived to represent links with what then seemed a distant past.